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Dr. Robeson doing side posture adjustmen



Corrective Chiropractic adjustments focus on correcting or improving the underlying structural and/or functional abnormalities that are causing the pain, weakness or numbness to make a more permanent change. Chiropractors focus on correcting vertebral subluxations. (A subluxation is a misalignment or improper motion of one or more bones in the spine that can cause abnormal wear and tear of the joint/disc, decreased range of motion, abnormal muscle tone and decreased nerve function.

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Interferential therapy (IFT) is one of various types of physio therapy. It uses a mid-frequency electrical signal to treat muscular spasms and strains. The current produces a massaging effect over the affected area at periodic intervals, and this stimulates the secretion of endorphins, the body's natural pain relievers, thus relaxing strained muscles and promoting soft-tissue healing. IFT is used in four clinical applications, to: relieve pain, stimulate muscles, increase local blood flow and reduce edema.


Cold Laser Therapy

Relief of muscle and joint aches, pains and stiffness; helps soft tissue injuries, carpal tunnel, bursitis, fibromyalgia, tennis elbow, tendonitis, ligament sprains, muscle strains and so much more.

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Therapeutic Exercises

Specific corrective exercises. Plate weighted neck machine for strengthening weak neck muscles to help improve posture and reduce neck and shoulder pain. Plate weighted low back and abdominal exercise machine to help strengthen core muscles giving more support and stabilization to combat low back pain. Take home exercise recommendations are given for specific conditions.


Ultra Sound

Therapeutic ultrasound uses sound waves to deliver deep heat to the treated tissues. The treatments may help reduce stiffness, swelling, and pain, increase circulation, and promote pain-free movement. Secondly is the decrease in pain from the reduction of swelling and edema. Thirdly is the gentle massage of muscle tendons and/ or ligaments in the treated area because no strain is added and any scar tissue is softened. These three benefits are achieved by two main effects of therapeutic ultrasound.

Hill automatic flexion table with air dr


An effective chiropractic therapy that induces passive motion into the spine for the purpose of stretching spinal joints and increasing mobility. Intersegmental traction helps to gently and effectively reestablish normal range of motion to your spine.

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